Lingo: Guess The Word

Published: May 6, 2024

Last Updated: July 24, 2024

Welcome to Lingo Turkey

You need to know Turkish to play this game

This game is the online version of Lingo Turkey broadcast on TRT 1.

TRT Lingo

You can use this game for entertainment purposes only or as preparation for the competition.


In this game, we try to guess a word given to us by creating different words.

Lingo Denemesi

When you guess a letter correctly, the box lights up green. If you guess any letter in the word correctly but it is not in the correct position, it will glow orange. Otherwise, the boxes will light up gray.

The game ends in the following cases:

  1. If you use a word that is not in the TDK Dictionary
  2. If you do not respond within the given time
  3. If you cannot find the correct answer within 7 tries


You can change the following settings by pressing the Settings button:

Lingo Ayarlar
  1. Word Length: The length of the correct word. Choose between 4 and 8 letters.
  2. First Letter: Determines the first letter of the word. If not selected, the first letter is determined randomly each game.
  3. Duration: The time given to you for each attempt. Select between 1 and 99 seconds.

When you have difficulty, you can see the meaning of the correct word by pressing the Hint button.

Lingo İpucu

Have fun!

Meaning of the Correct Word

  • Dağlık bölgelerde söylenen türkülerin makamı



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