
Published: April 29, 2024


Druggio is a continuation of a work I did sometime ago called Japan Drug Database (JDD). However, the only common point between Druggio and JDD is the data they use, and everything else is different.

Druggio was designed with masses in mind. For this we have done below improvements to JDD and created Druggio:

  • Create an attractive landing page from scratch
  • Add Japanese and English support as much as possible
  • SEO (title, keywords, description, h1 tag)
  • Adding a sitemap, including the site on Google Search Console
  • Getting a domain (www.druggio.com) and moving away from Vercel link (https://drugs.vercel.app/)
  • Move from single page app to Server Side Rendering
  • Enrich the data by improving Japanese translations
  • Overall design improvements for better navigation

With the help of the scaffold app I created earlier and the data availability from JDD, I was able to create the first pass of this website in just 3 days. This includes, setting up website, serving it on Netlify, getting a domain on SquareSpace, setting up DNS and Google Search Console.

Landing page of Druggio

With Druggio you can find a lot of information such as:

Look up drugs

Druggio - Look up drugs

Search for diseases

Druggio - Look up diseases

You can find information about pharma companies too!

Druggio - Look up pharma companies

And overall diseases categories

Druggio - Look up disease categories

Give it a try and let me know if you have any comments!

Happy hacking!

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