Published: June 7, 2024
Recently, I was working on a game called Kango and I needed a list of most commonly used Kanjis in Japanese together with examples of words they are used in.
By the way, please give this game a try as it is quite fun to play, and it helps you improve your Kanjis. It is a great prep for JLPT.
I had studied Kanji from a book called 日本語学習のための よく使う順 漢字 2200 and as the name suggests, this book had most commonly used 2,200 kanjis together with examples of words that the kanji is used in.
I thought whether the authors made the kanjis used in this book open source. But no!
And there was no source on the web which collated the most commonly used Kanjis. So I decided to create one for the game.
First of all, we download a list of most commonly used Japanese words from Matsushita Language Learning Lab's website. I also want to take this opportunity to thanks Prof. Matsushita and his lab as this list wouldn't be possible if they did not compile their list.
You can download the list of most commonly used words (VDRJ_Ver1_1_Research_Top60894.xlsx) by clicking here.
After downloading the data, run below code to get the most commonly used Kanjis:
## Code to generate MOST COMMONLY USED 3000 KANJIS
# Import needed libraries
import pandas as pd
import json
# Read data from the appropriate sheet
orig_df = pd.read_excel(
# Function that detects whether a word includes a kanji
def kanji_detector(word):
kanji = False
non_jp_char = False
for char in word:
if (
"\u4e00" <= char <= "\u9faf"
or "\u3400" <= char <= "\u4dbf"
or "\uf900" <= char <= "\ufaff"
kanji = True
if (
not ("\u4e00" <= char <= "\u9faf")
and not ("\u3400" <= char <= "\u4dbf")
and not ("\uf900" <= char <= "\ufaff")
and not ("\u3040" <= char <= "\u30ff")
non_jp_char = True
return kanji and not (non_jp_char)
# Get the relevant column
df = (
.rename(columns={"見出し語彙素\nLexeme": "word"})
# Get words that are at least 2 character long and includes a kanji
df = df[df["word"].str.len() > 1]
df["kanji"] = df["word"].apply(kanji_detector)
df = df[df["kanji"]].drop("kanji", axis=1).reset_index(drop=True)
# Loop through the data to calculate the prevalance score of each Kanji
kanjis = {}
for index, word in enumerate(df["word"].to_list()):
for char in word:
if "\u4e00" <= char <= "\u9faf" or "\u3400" <= char <= "\u4dbf":
if char in kanjis:
kanjis[char]["count"] += 1
# Prevalence score is calculated as the inverse of commonness of a word
# If a word is common, it will contribute higher to the rank of Kanji
kanjis[char]["score"] += 1 / (index + 1)
if word not in [i["word"] for i in kanjis[char]["words"]]:
## Importance shows how commonly used that word is, lower the better
kanjis[char]["words"].append({"word": word, "importance": index})
kanjis[char] = {
"count": 1,
"score": 1 / (index + 1),
"words": [{"word": word, "importance": index}],
# Sort kanjis based on their prevalence
kanjis_list = sorted(
[{"kanji": i, **kanjis[i]} for i in kanjis], key=lambda x: x["score"], reverse=True
# Get kanjis only if they are used in at least 3 words
kanjis_list = [i for i in kanjis_list if len(i["words"]) > 3]
# Remove some ambiguous kanji that are not really commonly used
unwanted_kanjis = [
kanjis_list = [i for i in kanjis_list if i["kanji"] not in unwanted_kanjis]
# Exclude some more kanjis that include an ambiguous kanji
for i in kanjis_list:
i["words"] = [j for j in i["words"] if "鱻" not in j["word"]]
# Check a snapshot of results
for index, i in enumerate(kanjis_list[:100]):
print(f'{index}.{i["kanji"]}', end=" ")
# Save the top 3000 kanjis
with open("danyel_koca_most_common_3000_kanjis.json", "w") as f:
json.dump(kanjis_list[:3000], f, ensure_ascii=False)
The resulting list of 3000 most commonly used Kanjis look like below.
count shows how many word that Kanji appears in. But since the commonnness of a word influence the Kanji's importance, you see that Kanjis which are used less than others may appear on top.
score shows the prevalence of the Kanji. Higher the score, more prevalent that Kanji is.
importance shows the use frequency of a word. Lower the number, more frequently used that word is.
In this post, we have created a list of most commonly used 3000 Kanjis in Japanese. Hope this list will prove useful for people. Go out there and create something amazing with this.
You can download the List of Most Commonly Used 3000 Kanjis.
Fint the Github Repository for raw data, code, and resulting list.
Happy hacking!
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