Reactivity In Svelte: Variables, Binding, and Key Function

Published: May 8, 2024

Reactivity In Svelte: Variables, Binding, and Key Function

You can see how much I love Svelte and SvelteKit by the sheer number of posts I have about this framework on my website. When Svelte is compared with other frameworks on the internet, it is - injustifiably - mentioned as lacking community support as it is relatively new compared to other established ones like React and Angular.

Therefore, I deem it as my duty to this wonderful framework to enlarge its community and to share my knowledge gained over countless trials and erros with newcomers.

In this post, let's cover reactivity in Svelte.

There are times where a change in a variable does not trigger a change in DOM, and there is some ambiguity about how Svelte does its reactivity. So let's dive in.

Reactivity in Svelte

Imagine you have below setting where user name needs to be reflected like below:

Welcome Galileo

You can achieved this eacilty in Svelte with binding.


Value of the input can be bound to the name variable like below, and this will ensure that DOM element is always in sync with the input value.

let name = 'Kepler';

<input bind:value={name} />
<h1>Welcome {name}</h1>

Let's see whether it works as expected:

Welcome Kepler

It does! Although this is most elegant way to achieve reactivity in Svelte, let's explore other options to get a full understanding on the topic.

Another way to achieve this is with value assignment.

Value Assignment

When a variable is assigned a value in script section, it becomes reactive. Binding effect can be achieved, although not elegantly, through value assignment.

let name = 'Copernicus';

<input on:change={(e) => (name = e.currentTarget.value)} value={name}/>
<h1>Welcome {name}</h1>

Above code works in below fashion: When value of input changes, it triggers a change event. Once the event is triggered, the name variable is assigned to the value of that input. Since we declared name in script section, it is reactive. Hence, any change in that varibale will trigger re-render of the relevant DOM element. Let's see whether it works as expected:

Welcome Copernicus

You will see that the reactivity only kicks in when you fully type in. We don't see reactivity as you type. For this, the change event should be changed to the input event:

let name = 'Newton';

<input on:input={(e) => (name = e.currentTarget.value)} value={name}/>
<h1>Welcome {name}</h1>

With above code, reactivity-as-typing can be achieved:

Welcome Newton

Where does reactivity break?

So far we learned that if a veriable is declared within the script tags, it will be reactive. Ie the changes in its value will be reflected in the DOM.

However, there is always an exception to the rule.

If a varible is declared as a derivation from another variable, it won't be reactive even if it is declared within the script tag, nor the value it was derived from is reactive. Let's see this in action below:

let name = 'Einstein';
let welcomeMessage = `Hello ${name}`;

<input bind:value={name} />

In above code, the variable name is reactive as usual. However, we are deriving a new varibale from it called the welcomeMessage.

Let's see whether this will work:

Hello Einstein

As mentioned above, reactivity won't work here and welcomeMessage is stuck at "Welcome Einstein" even when we change the input. This is because the area between script tags is only run once when the component is rendered. So, welcomeMessage is initialized as "Welcome Einstein" and lets go of all of its attachment to the variable name after the initial render.

Svelte Reactivity Does Not Work On Derived Values

In complex apps, we are sure to have derived variables, so how can we make those variables reactive?

Make Derived Variables Reactive: 1. $ Sign

By adding a $ (dollar) sign in font of the derived varible, it is possible to make it reactive. This way, svelte will track this variable, and whenever it changes, the change will be reflected in the DOM.

This is achieved as below:

let name = 'Stephen';
$: welcomeMessage = `Hello ${name}`;

<input bind:value={name} />

Let's see whether it will work:

Hello Stephen

It does! So whenever you have a varible that is derived from another variable, make sure to use the $ (dollar) sign to make it reactive. If you don't like this syntax, there is yet another way to achieve reactivity.

Make Derived Variables Reactive: 2. Key Function

By adding the section that you'd like to make reactive within key tags, you can achieve reactivity without the $ (dollar) sign. The syntax is like below.

let name = 'Carl';
let welcomeMessage = `Hello ${name}`;

<input bind:value={name} />
{#key name}

The variable written next to key is the variable you are asking svelte to track. In this case we tell it to track name variable. However, you can also ask it to track welcomeMessage and this should work fine.

Hello Carl


In this post, we explored reactivity in svelte. Main topics covered are

  • Declare variable in script
  • 2-way bindings
  • Event bindings

Moreover, we learned that derived variables are not tracked in svelte and changes to them won't be reflected in DOM. We explored 2 ways to make these variables reactive:

  • $ (Dollar) Sign
  • Key Function

Svelte is the greatest front-end framework, and its on-the-fly reactivity is one of the main reasons why it is such a wonderful framework. Hope I was able to deepen your understanding of reactivity in Svelte with this post.

Svelte Is Better Than React, Angular and Vue Combined

Let me know in case of any questions.

Happy hacking!

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