Create a Photo Collage with Python PIL

Published: December 30, 2023

Create a Photo Collage with Python PIL

Imagine you have a bunch of photos with differing size that you'd like to combine into a collage

Bunch of photos

Our task in this post to combine these pictures into a collage like below, while preserving their aspect ratios.

Photo collage

Below code converts image files contained in a folder into a collage:

# Import necessary libraries
import os
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw

# Define folder that has images
directory = "./images"

# Get list of images
images = [i for i in os.listdir(directory) if i.endswith(".jpg") or i.endswith(".jpeg") or i.endswith(".png")]

# Define the size of output collage and the size of 1 image in the collage as (width, height) tuple
# Below values will determine how many images will be put horizontally vs. vertically
# E.g. in below case -  3600/600 = 6  and 1600/4 = 4 - The collage will be 6x4
expected_size_collage = (3600, 1600)
expected_size_image = (600, 400)

# Create collage canvas to paste the images
collage ="RGBA", expected_size_collage, color=(255,255,255,255))

# Loop through image files
file_count = 0
for h in range(0, expected_size_collage[1], expected_size_image[1]):
    for w in range(0, expected_size_collage[0], expected_size_image[0]):
        # Read image
        file_name = images[file_count]
        path = directory + "/" + file_name
        image ="RGBA")

        # Get the original image width and height
        image_width = image.size[0]
        image_height = image.size[1]

        # Get how the width and height should be
        width_factor = image_width / expected_size_image[0]
        height_factor = image_height / expected_size_image[1]

        # If width and height factors are same, no cropping is needed
        # If not, we need to crop image to the same ratio as expected_size_image
        if width_factor != height_factor:
            # Get the limiting factor
            factor = min(width_factor, height_factor)

            # Calculate the resulting image width and height
            expected_width = round(factor * expected_size_image[0])
            expected_height = round(factor * expected_size_image[1])

            # Get minx, miny, maxx, and maxy coordinates of new image
            start_width = round((image_width - expected_width) / 2)
            start_height = round((image_height - expected_height) / 2)
            end_width = expected_width + round((image_width - expected_width) / 2)
            end_height = expected_height + round((image_height - expected_height) / 2)

            # Crop the image
            image = image.crop((start_width, start_height, end_width, end_height))

        # Once the image is cropped, resize the image
        # Image should have the aspect ratio as the expected_size_image so resize won't disturb the image
        image = image.resize(expected_size_image)

        # Copy image to collage canvas
        collage.paste(image, (w, h))
        file_count += 1

# Save collage"collage.png") 

Now let's go through the code step by step to see what it is doing.

1. Import libraries and define parameters

# Import necessary libraries
import os
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw

# Define folder that has images
directory = "./images"

# Get list of images
images = [i for i in os.listdir(directory) if i.endswith(".jpg") or i.endswith(".jpeg") or i.endswith(".png")]

# Define the size of output collage and the size of 1 image in the collage as (width, height) tuple
# Below values will determine how many images will be put horizontally vs. vertically
# E.g. in below case -  3600/600 = 6  and 1600/4 = 4 - The collage will be 6x4
expected_size_collage = (3600, 1600)
expected_size_image = (600, 400)

# Create collage canvas to paste the images
collage ="RGBA", expected_size_collage, color=(255,255,255,255))

In above code, we import the necessary libraries, including PIL which we'll use for cropping and resizing the images.

Images that end with .png .jpg .jpeg in a defined folder are collected and put into a list.

Then we define the size of the desired collage. Here we have 24 images in the folder and we'd like to have a 6x4 images in the collage.

The tiles (images) are assigned to have 600x400 size, which yields a collage size of 3600x1600. A blank image with this size is initialized. In the next section, we'll be pasting the image tiles into this blank canvas.

2. Process image tiles and create collage

# Loop through image files
file_count = 0
for h in range(0, expected_size_collage[1], expected_size_image[1]):
    for w in range(0, expected_size_collage[0], expected_size_image[0]):
        # Read image
        file_name = images[file_count]
        path = directory + "/" + file_name
        image ="RGBA")

        # Get the original image width and height
        image_width = image.size[0]
        image_height = image.size[1]

        # Get how the width and height should be
        width_factor = image_width / expected_size_image[0]
        height_factor = image_height / expected_size_image[1]

        # If width and height factors are same, no cropping is needed
        # If not, we need to crop image to the same ratio as expected_size_image
        if width_factor != height_factor:
            # Get the limiting factor
            factor = min(width_factor, height_factor)

            # Calculate the resulting image width and height
            expected_width = round(factor * expected_size_image[0])
            expected_height = round(factor * expected_size_image[1])

            # Get minx, miny, maxx, and maxy coordinates of new image
            start_width = round((image_width - expected_width) / 2)
            start_height = round((image_height - expected_height) / 2)
            end_width = expected_width + round((image_width - expected_width) / 2)
            end_height = expected_height + round((image_height - expected_height) / 2)

            # Crop the image
            image = image.crop((start_width, start_height, end_width, end_height))

        # Once the image is cropped, resize the image
        # Image should have the aspect ratio as the expected_size_image so resize won't disturb the image
        image = image.resize(expected_size_image)

        # Copy image to collage canvas
        collage.paste(image, (w, h))
        file_count += 1

Here, we create 2 loops, where the 1st loop tiles images horizontally along a row, and second loop, goes through rows. E.g., at the end of the first loop, we have below image:

Result at the end of first loop

Within the loop 4 actions are conducted:

  • 1. Determine the expected size of the image
  • 2. Crop the image into the expected size
  • 3. Resize the image into the tile size defined in the previous code block (600, 400)
  • 4. Paste tile image into the collage
While actions 1,2, and 4 are straightforward, I'd like focus on action 3, which is not a trivial task when it comes to handling images with varying sizes. E.g., when we have 2 images as below with different sizes, and we want to convert them to a 600x400 image, what is the best way to do it?
Scenery Monkey

Here, the image needs to be converted into an aspect ratio of 600x400. In order to achieve this, we identify how large the actual side is by dividing the actual size with the expected size. Results are stored in width_factor and height_factor variables. Then we use the smaller of these 2 ratios, to identify the smallest multiple of 600x400 we can fit into this image.

E.g. an image with a size 2400x3000 can be fit into an aspect ratio of 600x400 as a 2400x1600 size. This means we need to crop out of 3000 - 1600 = 1400 pixels vertically. When removing pixels, we remain the middle portion of the image.

Once the image is cropped, it can be safely resized to 600x400 as it already has the same aspect ratio. Then the tile image is pasted onto the collage canvas.

3. Save resulting collage

# Save collage"collage.png")

With this last bit of code, the collage is saved into the desired location. Note that, since the canvas was started as an RGBA image, it can't be saved as JPG.

Hope you enjoyed this blog post. Some further improvements to this algorithm can be made such as

  • Add gap between images
  • Smartly choose crop area, instead of always remaining the middle part of the image

Any questions? Let me know below in the comment section.

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6 months ago

This is decent. But I want to go one step beyond this, and create a mixed collage with some landscape and some portrait images. To me, all landscape images look a bit bland. Mixed collage would be more dynamic. I've been trying to write code for this, but have been struggling for weeks. Dynamic image placement with some portraits and other landscape images is proving to be challenging. I'll get there.

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